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Tag: dog

Acupuncture for Dogs and Cats

Posted 09.10.24 by Brittany Washington, DVM

Did you know that pets like dogs and cats can benefit from acupuncture? Dr. Washington offers acupuncture services at our Downtown office for pets with varying ailments. What is acupuncture? Acupuncture, in its simplest sense, is the treatment of conditions or symptoms by the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body in order to produce a...Read More

Grain-Free Dog Food: Is it Good or Bad?

Posted 07.31.18 by Susanne Heartsill, DVM

Grain-free, holistic, natural…these are all terms that invoke a sense of comfort. Surely, if something is labeled holistic or natural, it must be better for us and our pets, right? Unfortunately, these are labels that have little meaning as they relate to pet diets. Although they are generally accepted by the dog food industry, there are currently no regulations or...Read More

So What Can My Dog Really Chew On?

Posted 09.28.17 by Drew McWatters, DVM

I answer this questions on a daily basis with my clients. Appropriately directed chewing not only satisfies a dog’s desire to chew, but also serves as enrichment and can aid in the maintenance of good oral health. Though choosing what to allow your dog to chew on can be a daunting task. Every pet store is filled with dozens of...Read More

Can My Pet Watch The Solar Eclipse Safely?

Posted 08.18.17 by Pamela Chandler, DVM

For a few minutes on August 21, 2017, darkness will descend across the United States as a historic total solar eclipse. It is already predicted that this eclipse will be the most witnessed sky-watching event in human history. According to some biologists, humans may not be the only ones reacting to this event in the sky.  During an eclipse, the sky darkens...Read More

Curiosity That Almost Killed The Puppy

Posted 07.27.17 by Kassie Newton, DVM

Taz was a happy normal little puppy without a care in the world. His one vice: he loved to eat things, just as many puppies do. However, one day his curiosity got the best of him. Taz came to see us at The Pet Hospitals when he was not acting himself. He had vomiting, diarrhea, wasn’t eating, and had very...Read More

How To Avoid Pet Suffocation

Posted 04.27.17 by Doug Kenney, DVM

One potential danger to both dogs and cats that can be found in many homes is an open bag that contains food or used to contain food. It might be a potato chip bag, cereal liner bag, pet food or treat bag, bread bag, etc. When left within reach of your pet, it can be enticing to stick his or...Read More

My Dog Has A Heart Murmur, Now What?

Posted 03.23.17 by Katie Willis

Don’t panic! Heart murmurs are quite common in dogs, and many live a normal life span. Murmurs are diagnosed when your veterinarian listens to the heart during the physical exam. Breeds that are more likely to develop a murmur include Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, Poodles, Cocker Spaniels, and Yorkshire Terriers. A murmur can be caused by...Read More

Low cost Heartworm Treatment – Yes we can!

Posted 03.09.17 by David H. Wright, DVM

Heartworm infection in dogs is a given in our area without consistent heartworm preventive medication administration. Each year we diagnose well over 100 cases of heartworms in dogs and a handful in cats too.  Although heartworm cases occur in cats, most cases are in dogs so we’ll confine our comments today to dogs. Also, sadly there is no current treatment...Read More

Golden-Doodle Mania

Posted 11.08.16 by Jimmy Murphy, DVM

Nearly 10 years ago, I met my first Golden-doodle patient and, having never seen one before, I can remember thinking to myself, “This Golden retriever is having a very interesting hair day!” Fast forward to the present and I typically see a “doodle” patient multiple times a day. Furthermore, my personal family has grown as well to include 3 Golden-doodles...Read More

Patio Season

Posted 10.05.16 by Katie Willis

Ah, fall time is officially hitting the Mid-South. You know what that means… It’s finally Patio Season and the days of cool breezes and college football are upon us. But why shouldn’t your dog  be allowed to experience this along with you?! Actually there are plenty of restaurants in Memphis that allow you to bring your pet along so they...Read More

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