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Category: Supplements

CBD Oil in Pets

Posted 12.17.18 by Katie Wooden, DVM

Cannabis and CBD products are the latest trend in human medicine. More and more people are turning to cannabis as a natural treatment for their health issues due to it’s purported positive impact on inflammation and other ailments. CBD oil has recently become popular due to its  availability online, as well in many local pet stores, grocery stores, and pharmacies....Read More

Grain-Free Dog Food: Is it Good or Bad?

Posted 07.31.18 by Susanne Heartsill, DVM

Grain-free, holistic, natural…these are all terms that invoke a sense of comfort. Surely, if something is labeled holistic or natural, it must be better for us and our pets, right? Unfortunately, these are labels that have little meaning as they relate to pet diets. Although they are generally accepted by the dog food industry, there are currently no regulations or...Read More

Should I Feed My Pet Goat’s Milk?

Posted 01.02.18 by Katie Wooden, DVM

Recently goat’s milk has become one of the more popular supplements in the pet world. It has been touted to improve digestion, help with allergies, packed with protein and fatty acids, and even cure cancer. It is widely available in pet stores and online. However, is it really helpful or even safe? Goat’s milk has never been scientifically studied to...Read More

Should Dogs Eat Grain Free Diets?

Posted 05.17.17 by Drew McWatters, DVM

American pet owners are increasingly concerned with their pet’s nutrition which is wonderful news for pets. However, owners in search of the “best” diet for their pet are increasingly met with misinformation and misconceptions about diets and pet nutrition. While there are many well-meaning people giving advice about pet nutrition, most are ill-equipped and under qualified to tackle such a complex...Read More

Feline Arthritis

Posted 01.03.17 by Karen Gant, DVM

Most people recognize arthritis in dogs. But what about your cat?  Degenerative joint disease (DJD) is a very common but under-diagnosed condition in cats.   Frequency among age groups was EQUAL from cats as early as 6 months to 16 years!  Signs worsen with age. Feline DJD is difficult to detect because of the cat’s ability to hide pain as a...Read More

Essential Oils and Animals

Posted 06.15.16 by Karen Gant, DVM

As I am delving into the world of essential oils for myself, I have found many people asking me about use in and on their dogs and cats.  First and foremost let me clarify I am NOT a holistic veterinarian (there are tests and lots of qualifications that go into becoming a true holistic veterinarian). I am just an interested...Read More

What Can I Give My Dog/Cat For Pain?

Posted 03.09.16 by Emily Lindsey

Understandably, it is very hard for us to see our pets in pain.Β  While it may be tempting to go in your medicine cabinet and reach for over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen, and give it to your pet, these medications must be avoided. Over-the-counter pain medications created for humans can be very harmful, and even fatal,...Read More

Herbal Supplements… All Hype or Worth A Try?

Posted 02.24.16 by Emily Lindsey

Alright, let’s get to the “root” of the matter of herbal supplements. There is a plethora of natural and herbal supplements available, both prescription and over the counter. Many ailments, particularly chronic diseases, have been shown to benefit from natural treatments. In veterinary medicine we look for alternative treatments for certain conditions, but they do need to be restricted to...Read More

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