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Tag: sick dog

Pyometra: The Gross and Deadly Risk of Not Spaying

Posted 02.26.19 by Sarah Morris, DVM

One of the first things I like to do when I get to work in the morning is look at my schedule for the day. When I see that I have a sick patient coming in, I always try to do a little research on the patient so I can start formulating what I think might be wrong with the...Read More

Intervertebral Disc Disease: What is IVDD?

Posted 09.04.18 by Reagan Bugg, DVM

What is IVDD? Intervertebral disc disease is a common cause of spinal pain in the dog. Between each vertebrae is a intervertebral disc, which acts as a shock absorber. A normal disc is made from a hard, fibrous outside ring (annulus) and a soft gel like center (nucleus pulposus). There are two types of degenerative disc changes that can occur:...Read More

Grain-Free Dog Food: Is it Good or Bad?

Posted 07.31.18 by Susanne Heartsill, DVM

Grain-free, holistic, natural…these are all terms that invoke a sense of comfort. Surely, if something is labeled holistic or natural, it must be better for us and our pets, right? Unfortunately, these are labels that have little meaning as they relate to pet diets. Although they are generally accepted by the dog food industry, there are currently no regulations or...Read More

Low cost Heartworm Treatment – Yes we can!

Posted 03.09.17 by David H. Wright, DVM

Heartworm infection in dogs is a given in our area without consistent heartworm preventive medication administration. Each year we diagnose well over 100 cases of heartworms in dogs and a handful in cats too.Β  Although heartworm cases occur in cats, most cases are in dogs so we’ll confine our comments today to dogs. Also, sadly there is no current treatment...Read More

Diabetes and Pets

Posted 09.14.16 by Katie Willis

Just like people, diabetes is a fairly common disease of dogs and cats. Blood sugar regulation is performed by the pancreas by producing insulin. Most diabetic cases are Type 1, or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, in which the pet requires insulin therapy for control of blood sugar. Cats sometimes will have Type 2, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, in which diet and...Read More

What Can I Give My Dog/Cat For Pain?

Posted 03.09.16 by Emily Lindsey

Understandably, it is very hard for us to see our pets in pain.Β  While it may be tempting to go in your medicine cabinet and reach for over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen, and give it to your pet, these medications must be avoided. Over-the-counter pain medications created for humans can be very harmful, and even fatal,...Read More

What do I feed my new puppy?

Posted 08.26.15 by Emily Lindsey

So you got a new puppy — Congratulations! You’re about to have so much fun, some work, and years of love and companionship. Let’s get that little guy started off right with proper nutrition just right for growing puppies. First, it is really important to feed your puppy food designed specifically for growth. It is more calorie dense than adult...Read More

Should I Microchip?

Posted 08.26.15 by Emily Lindsey

Here is a scary statistic: Of the approximately 8 million animals that go to shelters each year, only about 15-20% of dogs and only 2% of cats are reunited with their owners. For cats, this number is 10 to 20 times higher for those who have a microchip implanted. Dogs are 2 1/2 times more likely to get home if...Read More

Euthanasia Explained- Memphis Pet Health and Wellness

Posted 08.19.15 by Katie Morrill, DVM

End of life decisions for your pet are never easy. While some clients know with certainty when it is time to say goodbye to a beloved dog or cat, others struggle greatly with this decision. People often look to their veterinarian for input on making this determination. My personal stance for most cases is that owners know their pet best....Read More

How To Keep Puppy Nails Trimmed

Posted 08.13.15 by Emily Lindsey

When you get a puppy, it seems you begin to get small scratches all over, too. Scratches from puppy nails are painful! Puppies are clumsy little critters who are just getting used to their bodies as they continue to grow and mature. To keep from getting scratched on accident, it is a good idea to keep their nails trimmed. For...Read More

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