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Tag: senior dog

Acupuncture for Dogs and Cats

Posted 09.10.24 by Brittany Washington, DVM

Did you know that pets like dogs and cats can benefit from acupuncture? Dr. Washington offers acupuncture services at our Downtown office for pets with varying ailments. What is acupuncture? Acupuncture, in its simplest sense, is the treatment of conditions or symptoms by the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body in order to produce a...Read More

Does My Dog Have Cataracts?

Posted 08.06.19 by Reagan Bugg, DVM

Does your senior dog have hazy or blue gray eyes? Have you ever wondered if your dog has cataracts or has trouble seeing? Frequently, my clients ask me if their dog has cataracts , or assume Β they have them because of a blue gray haze to the lens of the eye. Today we will talk about differentiating a normal age...Read More

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