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Let’s Talk About Poop

Posted 01.23.19 by Pamela Chandler, DVM

Pet owners frequently have questions regarding if their pets feces might be abnormal and or when to be concerned. What is considered normal / abnormal feces? If the consistency is where you are unable to pick it up in your hand then it is considered to be loose. Most pet’s feces are either light or dark brown in color. Black or red feces can signify...Read More

So My Pet is Fat – What’s Wrong With That?

Posted 01.16.19 by Kimberly Gaddis, DVM

One of the most common medical conditions we see in veterinary medicine is weight gain and obesity. And yes, this is a medical condition! Being overweight or obese can predispose our pets to endocrine, cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal disease. Recent numbers show that around 35-40% of pets in the United States are overweight! This is a completely preventable and reversible disease,...Read More

Thunderstorms, Fireworks, and Anxiety Oh My!

Posted 12.31.18 by Raelyn Pirtle, DVM

Is your pet terrified of thunderstorms, fireworks, or loud noises in general? This is a very common issue that we see in pets. Even two of my own dogs become very scared during noise events. This is stressful not only for your pets, but can also affect your quality of life (and sleep!) as well. Sedatives are usually the cornerstone...Read More

CBD Oil in Pets

Posted 12.17.18 by Katie Wooden, DVM

Cannabis and CBD products are the latest trend in human medicine. More and more people are turning to cannabis as a natural treatment for their health issues due to it’s purported positive impact on inflammation and other ailments. CBD oil has recently become popular due to its  availability online, as well in many local pet stores, grocery stores, and pharmacies....Read More

Are You SURE You’re Ready For A Pet?

Posted 11.27.18 by Katie Morrill, DVM

The human-animal bond is a wondrous and powerful thing. Pets bring us joy, companionship, humor, and so much more. Just imagine how boring the internet would be without adorable kitten videos or hilariousย  dog shaming posts? But there is a practical side to owning a pet. Cost Everything in life costs money, and pets are no exception! First time pet...Read More

Do Cats Need Tick Prevention?

Posted 11.09.18 by Karen Gant, DVM

Cats can get ticks just like dogs can! You will usually find ticks on cats on their head/neck area since these are places they can not groom. Even if you have a fenced in yard and only allow your cat limited outdoor time (or none at all!), squirrels, song birds, feral cats, raccoons and other small rodents can be carriers...Read More

6 Months or 6 Years: When and If to Spay or Neuter

Posted 10.02.18 by Drew McWatters, DVM

Veterinarians have traditionally recommended ubiquitous spaying and neutering dogs and have recommended doing it at no later than 6 months of age. This recommendation came from a desire to decrease the stray pet population and decrease the incidence of reproductive disease while at the same time decreasing anesthetic risks associated with anesthesia of young puppies. However, several recent studies have...Read More

Intervertebral Disc Disease: What is IVDD?

Posted 09.04.18 by Reagan Bugg, DVM

What is IVDD? Intervertebral disc disease is a common cause of spinal pain in the dog. Between each vertebrae is a intervertebral disc, which acts as a shock absorber. A normal disc is made from a hard, fibrous outside ring (annulus) and a soft gel like center (nucleus pulposus). There are two types of degenerative disc changes that can occur:...Read More

Grain-Free Dog Food: Is it Good or Bad?

Posted 07.31.18 by Susanne Heartsill, DVM

Grain-free, holistic, natural…these are all terms that invoke a sense of comfort. Surely, if something is labeled holistic or natural, it must be better for us and our pets, right? Unfortunately, these are labels that have little meaning as they relate to pet diets. Although they are generally accepted by the dog food industry, there are currently no regulations or...Read More

Veterinarian: What’s In The Name?

Posted 07.20.18 by Kassie Newton, DVM

DVM. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Veterinarian. Vet. All of these terms describe any of the doctors that your pet may see. But what does it actually take to get this title? How much do we really know? We thought we would outline a few fun facts for those who have someone interested in becoming a vet or things you may...Read More

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