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Tag: health

Pet Diabetes Month

Posted 11.01.14 by Kim Swift

We all love food. Our pets love food, and we love our pets, so we all give in to those sweet, puppy dog eyes and sneak a treat, maybe even a little people food. Although a little indulgence here and there may seem like no big deal, obesity is the number one disease in our furry friends, and obesity is...Read More

Heatstroke in Pets

Posted 06.16.14 by Kim Swift

Heatstroke is a common, but usually preventable, problem that veterinarians diagnose and treat more often than they like during the summer months. It is a life-threatening emergency with a mortality rate between 25% and 50% despite appropriate and even intensive care.

Is This an Emergency? – Memphis Pet Health

Posted 11.13.13 by Kim Swift

Doesn’t it seem like Felix decides the best time to get into the trash is after the vet office is closed? Oftentimes, as a pet owner, it is very hard to know whether or not what has just happened is a true medical emergency. Just like in people, some conditions or illnesses can wait until the morning, while others are...Read More

What Do You Mean My Pet Needs A Dental Cleaning?- Memphis Area Pet Health

Posted 02.06.13 by Katie Wooden, DVM

Why Should I Clean My Pet’s Teeth? Dental health is extremely important to your pet’s overall health! Unless your pet’s teeth are brushed daily, plaque, which is an accumulation of bacteria, will build up at the gum line. Eventually calculus forms, further irritating the gums, and then infection progresses to loosen and destroy the attachment of the tooth. Periodontal disease...Read More

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