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Tag: emergency

How Dedicated Ownership Impacts Patient Healing

Posted 10.03.17 by Melanie Barnett-Fisher, DVM

Titan is 3 year old Chihuahua that presented to The Pet Hospitals- Midtown after being attacked by a large breed dog.ย  The dog was aggressive and before anyone could intervene, Titan was suffering severe trauma to his neck.ย  When Titan presented to our hospital, he was found to have scleral hemorrhage in both eyes (ruptured blood vessels) and severe trauma...Read More

How Ginger’s Senior Exam Saved Her Life

Posted 08.31.17 by Drew McWatters, DVM

Ginger is a 9 year old spayed female German Short Haired Pointer who came to The Pet Hospitals- Germantown for a routine Senior Wellness Exam. Everything had been normal at her Annual Wellness Exam 6 months prior, but since she is older than 7 years old, her owners followed the recommended guidelines of biannual exams for dogs over 7. She...Read More

Curiosity That Almost Killed The Puppy

Posted 07.27.17 by Kassie Newton, DVM

Taz was a happy normal little puppy without a care in the world. His one vice: he loved to eat things, just as many puppies do. However, one day his curiosity got the best of him. Taz came to see us at The Pet Hospitals when he was not acting himself. He had vomiting, diarrhea, wasn’t eating, and had very...Read More

Is This an Emergency? – Memphis Pet Health

Posted 11.13.13 by Kim Swift

Doesnโ€™t it seem like Felix decides the best time to get into the trash is after the vet office is closed? Oftentimes, as a pet owner, it is very hard to know whether or not what has just happened is a true medical emergency. Just like in people, some conditions or illnesses can wait until the morning, while others are...Read More

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