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Category: Grooming

FAQ #4: Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?

Posted 07.29.15 by Christine Taylor, DVM

Whiskers are specialized sensory hairs equipped with touch receptors. Compared to the hairs that make up the fur coat, whiskers are longer, thicker and more rigid. These specialized hairs are also embedded more deeply into the cat’s body than the hairs of the fur coat. The area around each whisker, called a follicle, has a generous supply of nerves and...Read More

Allergies and Apoquel- Memphis Area Pet Health

Posted 07.22.15 by Drew McWatters, DVM

We have discussed seasonal/environmental allergies before, but it turns out pets can suffer from other allergy types, too. Allergies are one the most frustrating and challenging chronic medical conditions that pet owners deal with in their dogs. From the constant itching to the recurrent infections, it seems like the misery and the vet visits never end. Thankfully, with diligent care...Read More

Feelin’ Hot, Hot, Hot! – Pets and Summer Heat #memwx

Posted 07.17.15 by Claudia G. Mangum, DVM

As we are sure you have heard (or felt!)- this weekend is supposed to really heat up. Highs are almost at 100 degrees while the heat index is well over… reaching 109! As the national weather service puts out heat advisories, we often think about out elderly family members and those less fortunate that may not have access to air...Read More

Heatstroke in Pets

Posted 06.16.14 by Kim Swift

Heatstroke is a common, but usually preventable, problem that veterinarians diagnose and treat more often than they like during the summer months. It is a life-threatening emergency with a mortality rate between 25% and 50% despite appropriate and even intensive care.

What You Need to Know about Ticks! – Memphis Pet Health

Posted 05.02.14 by Kim Swift

Ticks are skin parasites that, if allowed to, will feed on the blood of your pet.Β  The bite itself is not usually painful, but the parasite can transmit diseases and cause tick paralysis, which is why tick control is so important.Β Ticks are more active in the spring and summer, but are present all year long. Β  If your pet goes...Read More

Summer Pet Safety Series | Part 2: Does My Pet Need a Summer Cut?

Posted 06.25.13 by Katie Wooden, DVM

    It’s getting hot out there, and if you’re anywhere around us here in Memphis, you know just how hot it can really be. So, in addition to being cautious about your pets over-heating, it is also important to know how to have them properly groomed for this weather. Proper summertime grooming is essential to helping keep your pet...Read More

What Do You Mean My Pet Needs A Dental Cleaning?- Memphis Area Pet Health

Posted 02.06.13 by Katie Wooden, DVM

Why Should I Clean My Pet’s Teeth? Dental health is extremely important to your pet’s overall health! Unless your pet’s teeth are brushed daily, plaque, which is an accumulation of bacteria, will build up at the gum line. Eventually calculus forms, further irritating the gums, and then infection progresses to loosen and destroy the attachment of the tooth. Periodontal disease...Read More

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