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Category: Kitten

Everything You Need To Know About Deworming

Posted 05.04.17 by Katie Willis

Many clients routinely have questions about deworming their pets. There are many parasites that can affect dogs and cats, and it can be difficult to discern when a dewormer is needed and the type. Intestinal parasites are typically contracted through consuming worm eggs from the soil in the environment, nursing from an infected mother, eating infected wildlife, or in utero...Read More

How To Avoid Pet Suffocation

Posted 04.27.17 by Doug Kenney, DVM

One potential danger to both dogs and cats that can be found in many homes is an open bag that contains food or used to contain food. It might be a potato chip bag, cereal liner bag, pet food or treat bag, bread bag, etc. When left within reach of your pet, it can be enticing to stick his or...Read More

My Dog Ate What?!?

Posted 09.07.16 by Kassie Newton, DVM

Dogs and cats can be very picky about their food, or sometimes they can consume things we would not even imagine would be edible. One of the most common appointments we have is the vomiting dog or cat. Oftentimes we may ask you if they are the type to “eat things” and by this we mean exactly that – will...Read More

What is a Hot Spot?

Posted 08.17.16 by Alison Bradshaw, DVM

“The spot came up on my dog overnight, and now they won’t leave it alone!” This is usually how the conversation goes with panic-stricken clients that have just noticed the huge, bald sore that is red and oozing. After telling them it looks or sounds like they are describing  a hot spot, the next question is typically, “What is a...Read More

Feline Heartworm Disease

Posted 08.03.16 by Karen Gant, DVM

Cats can get heartworms, too!  The disease presents itself very differently from canine heartworm disease. The cat is NOT the typical host and most worms in cats do not survive the adult stage. The prevalence of heartworm disease in cats versus in dogs is much lower. Cats that do have adult worms normally only have 2-3, but many cats never end...Read More

How to acclimate your cat traveling in a cat carrier

Posted 07.21.16 by Christine Taylor, DVM

A common concern for feline owners is the stress associated with car rides and veterinary visits, which can often deter a client from bringing their cat in for check ups. Because early detection and intervention are paramount to successful treatment of chronic disease, regular veterinary check ups are very important for feline patients. Stressed kitties also make examination and treatment...Read More

Litter Box Issues

Posted 05.04.16 by Emily Lindsey

Litter box problems are the most common behavior issue with cats. Unfortunately, it often leads to banning the cat outdoors, abandonment, or even surrender to the shelter when their owners cannot handle it anymore. While stress is often a common cause of litter box issues, medical conditions can also lead to this problem. If your cat is having litter box...Read More

Building Confidence and Raising A Happy Cat

Posted 03.16.16 by Emily Lindsey

Is your cat the life of the party or hiding under the bed in the back room? Does he stalk out to see who you brought home to watch a movie or hide in the laundry basket? Does he enjoy a car ride or howl the whole way to the vet’s office? We have a few tips to build their...Read More

TPH Provides Pet Adoption Assistance

Posted 03.03.16 by Emily Lindsey

Thousands of pets end up in shelters across the US each month and sadly some of those never find a loving, forever home like they deserve.  Statistically, close to 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. We are grateful shelters are there to meet their needs, but it doesn’t completely solve the problem. In fact, many issues come up...Read More

Vomiting… The Mild, The Bad, and The Ugly

Posted 02.17.16 by Emily Lindsey

Imagine this – you wake up in the morning and get out of bed… you step in a cold pile of… oh yuck! Vomit! While you have been sleeping, your pet has been getting sick, all over your nice new carpet. Unfortunately, this is the case for many of our clients and their beloved pet(s). You may ask… Is vomiting...Read More

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