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Category: Dog Owners

Sileo: Helping your dog calm down during fireworks and thunderstorms

Posted 06.30.16 by Alison Bradshaw, DVM

Something New For Canine Storm Anxiety? Does your dog fear fireworks? Pant up a storm when it’s thundering? Well, there’s a new option available to help with that. Sileo is the trade name of a drug long-used in the veterinary field. Dexdomitor (also called dexmeditomidine) has been available as an injectable medication for veterinary anesthesia for many years. Now it...Read More

Essential Oils and Animals

Posted 06.15.16 by Karen Gant, DVM

As I am delving into the world of essential oils for myself, I have found many people asking me about use in and on their dogs and cats.  First and foremost let me clarify I am NOT a holistic veterinarian (there are tests and lots of qualifications that go into becoming a true holistic veterinarian). I am just an interested...Read More

The Truth About Dog Flu and Pneumonia

Posted 06.09.16 by Christine Taylor, DVM

  As we have discussed, canine influenza- aka the dog flu- is a highly contagious respiratory infection. There are currently two canine strains of this virus known to affect dogs internationally. H3N8 emerged around 2004 in Florida, and continues to cause sporadic disease. H3N2, a mild strain, was recently identified around Chicago in 2015. Geographic locations for this newer strain...Read More

Beware of Grass Awns!

Posted 06.01.16 by Christine Taylor, DVM

What are grass awns? One of the most common minor emergencies we see during the summer in the Mid-south are grass awn foreign bodies. These ‘seeds’ or grass awns can become lodged in pet ears, between toes, and under the skin. The most common presentation is a draining tractย between the toes. However, grass awns can also cause much more serious...Read More

Socializing A New Puppy

Posted 05.20.16 by Alison Bradshaw, DVM

I think all veterinarians can agree puppy and kitten visits are usually the happiest parts of our day. Between puppy-breath kisses, we usually vaccinate, de-worm, perform our exams, and go over pet food and basic husbandry aspects of having a new puppy. The longer I practice, the more I am seeing the importance of early socialization and the impact that it...Read More

Should I REALLY spay/neuter my pet?

Posted 05.13.16 by Emily Lindsey

Many people have heard it is important to spay/neuter your dog and cat but not everyone knows why it is so important. So why do veterinarians recommend having your dog or cat sterilized? By spaying or neutering your pet you are preventing many life threatening infections and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer! Female dogs and cats can...Read More

Why is my dog itching all the time?

Posted 04.20.16 by Emily Lindsey

Whether for humans or pets, allergies are typically a frustrating diagnosis for all involved. Dogs with severe allergies struggle to find relief for their itch, as you have probably witnessed. They might rub a part of their body against the wall, lick or chew their feet, sneeze and wheeze constantly, or scratch until they develop sores. Itโ€™s hard to see...Read More

The Ugly Truth About Fractured Teeth

Posted 04.13.16 by Emily Lindsey

Are Fractured Teeth Really a Big Deal? The short answer is: Yes! All fractured teeth run the risk of becoming non-vital (or dead) and infected. Though some tiny, very superficial fractures may never cause a problem, it is always best to have fractured teeth checked by a vet. Any disturbance to the enamel has the potential to cause a bigger...Read More

Canine Influenza

Posted 04.06.16 by Emily Lindsey

Even though flu season is almost over for us humans (hooray!), canine influenza, or dog flu, season lasts all year. ย The flu in dogs is a relatively new disease and the most recent strain (the H3N2 strain) has proven to be quite nasty and resilient.ย  Typically, we refer to outbreaks of disease as an epidemic.ย  With an epidemic, we see...Read More

Are ‘Recheck’ Appointments Actually Needed?

Posted 03.31.16 by Emily Lindsey

Your dogโ€™s ears are red and inflamed andย he has been shaking his head and scratching at his ears. The doctor looks into the ears to find both ear canals are swollen with a dark wax inside. She gets a sample from the ear canals and performs cytology with a microscope diagnosing a mixed infection of bacteria and yeast. An ear...Read More

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