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Tag: apoquel

Are ‘Recheck’ Appointments Actually Needed?

Posted 03.31.16 by Emily Lindsey

Your dog’s ears are red and inflamed and he has been shaking his head and scratching at his ears. The doctor looks into the ears to find both ear canals are swollen with a dark wax inside. She gets a sample from the ear canals and performs cytology with a microscope diagnosing a mixed infection of bacteria and yeast. An ear...Read More

Allergies and Apoquel- Memphis Area Pet Health

Posted 07.22.15 by Drew McWatters, DVM

We have discussed seasonal/environmental allergies before, but it turns out pets can suffer from other allergy types, too. Allergies are one the most frustrating and challenging chronic medical conditions that pet owners deal with in their dogs. From the constant itching to the recurrent infections, it seems like the misery and the vet visits never end. Thankfully, with diligent care...Read More

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