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Tag: itchy

Why is my dog itching all the time?

Posted 04.20.16 by Emily Lindsey

Whether for humans or pets, allergies are typically a frustrating diagnosis for all involved. Dogs with severe allergies struggle to find relief for their itch, as you have probably witnessed. They might rub a part of their body against the wall, lick or chew their feet, sneeze and wheeze constantly, or scratch until they develop sores. Itโ€™s hard to see...Read More

Are ‘Recheck’ Appointments Actually Needed?

Posted 03.31.16 by Emily Lindsey

Your dogโ€™s ears are red and inflamed andย he has been shaking his head and scratching at his ears. The doctor looks into the ears to find both ear canals are swollen with a dark wax inside. She gets a sample from the ear canals and performs cytology with a microscope diagnosing a mixed infection of bacteria and yeast. An ear...Read More

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