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Category: Behavior Training

Introducing a New Cat Into Your Home – Memphis Pet Health

Posted 10.03.13 by Katie Wooden, DVM

Humans and dogs are “pack” animals where cats are territoriality independent; knowing this is important when introducing a new cat into your home. When adopting a new cat, it is important to create its own space/environment. The room that you select should have its own food bowl, water bowl, and litter box. Normally, there should be a litter box for every...Read More

Why You Should Take Your New Puppy or Kitten to the Vet

Posted 01.11.13 by Katie Wooden, DVM

Most people know that it is important to take your new pet to the vet, but have you ever wondered why? Here are some reasons why taking your new pet to the vet should be first on your priority list.

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