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Get your pet groomed at The Pet Hospitals and you will both leave happy. Not only will your pet look and smell better, but regular grooming is a necessity for overall wellness and health.

Cat & Dog Grooming Services

Our cat and dog grooming services

Our highly skilled cat groomers and dog groomers can identify external parasites, detect problems with skin and coat, and recommend a visit to the vet if needed. If flea / tick treatment is needed, a grooming session is a good time to take care of that. And our professional groomers have the experience to keep your pet calm and happy while the grooming session is taking place.

Plus, your pet will leave looking and feeling its best. Our full service Memphis dog and cat grooming services include professional bathing, coat trimming depending on the breed of the cat or dog, and nail trims.


You can drop your pet off for grooming and pick them up at your convenience, or you can combine our grooming services with your pet’s next exam. If your pet is having a boarding staycation with us, we can also schedule to have your cat or dog groomed before you pick them up. Who doesn’t love to pick up a happy and clean smelling pet?

Schedule an appointment

Appointments can be scheduled by phone or by using our Chat Now feature. Our groomers are in demand, so scheduling an appointment guarantees that we can accommodate your pet. While your pet does not need to be a veterinary client at The Pet Hospitals to receive cat or dog grooming services here, we do require that they are up to date on all of their vaccinations.


For everyone’s safety, all grooming dogs are required to be fully up to date on their Distemper, Parvo, Rabies, Bordetella, and H3N2/H3N8 (canine influenza) vaccinations and all grooming cats are required to be current on their FELV, FVRCP, and Rabies vaccinations.

They work with your schedule and will go out of their way to accommodate you and your pet!

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